April 19, 2024

Best ways to save money on your water heater bill

Plumbing Orange County CA 92655

Energy costs take up a significant chunk of the budget for most homes. A large portion of that energy costs comes from using water heaters. In countries like the United States of America, 20% of the average home energy usage is consumed by water heaters. This is why saving as much energy as possible is a priority for most homes in the US and the whole world. And since energy costs here in the Philippines are relatively never cheap, people are finding ways how they can save energy costs on their water heater bills. To help with that, here are three ways you can save energy costs effectively.

Install timer

For homes that still use conventional water heater tanks, this tip will be very beneficial for you. With this timer installed, you don’t need to pay for heating water when you don’t need it. This timer will turn off the heating elements of the tanked-style water heater when not in use. You can set the schedule depending on the household needs. Most new tanked-style water heaters have built-in timers, but a capable plumber can easily install one to your system. 

Consistency in regular maintenance

It’s easy to forget maintenance until major catastrophes eventually force you to pay more. In the case scenario, you might need to buy a new one which will cost a lot considering the conventional water heater price in the Philippines. However, even if you’re not experiencing trouble with your water-tanked-style water heater, its performance may degrade slowly over time. That is why cleaning and draining tanks regularly to remove sediments from the tank is essential, as well as regular overall maintenance to avoid huge repair costs. 

Switch to an electric tankless heater

Compared to traditional water tanked water heater, an electric tankless water heater is way more energy efficient. A conventional water heater tends to experience standby energy loss which happens when a burner heats the water just to get stored in the tank waiting to be used. Since the thermal energy dissipates when it’s stored in a tank, the heater must continuously reheat the water from time to time to keep it hot regardless of whether it is being used. This process creates higher energy bill costs.

On the other hand, an electric tankless water heart does not produce that problem. For it only produces the needed amount of heated water on-demand, which means that only when the tap is turned on does the tap water travels through a pipe inside the unit and is heated by electric heating elements. No water and energy wasted. Electric tankless water heater price in Philippines are also relatively cheaper compared to the conventional tanked type water heater system.


Energy costs take up a big chunk of the budget for most homes. While people want to enjoy the comfort of having heated water made possible by water heaters, they also want to cut the costs of their water heater bills. There are many ways to save energy costs, such as installing timers for conventional tanked-type water heaters and consistency in regular maintenance. Last but not least, switch to an electric tankless water heater for more energy efficiency that you deserve.

To check the vast choices of Tankless electric water heaters, visit Rheem Philippines website to learn more.